Enlightened publishing

Piercing the darkness of academic publishing's polar night

Issues faced by early-career researchers

Last year, over 5 million articles were published in academic journals.

How can anyone make their work stand out in such a deluge of discoveries?

The challenge is even greater for early-career researchers. Their networks are limited. They are trying to position themselves and their work, and many of them will soon be looking for a job. This workshop is for them.

However, any problem that early-career researchers have is also a problem for their supervisors and universities.

Are you helping your PhD candidates and postdocs make good decisions about publishing? Do they understand the policies around article submission – such as open access, Plan S, licensing, pre-approval – and what that means for their careers? Do they understand how the choices they make deeply affect the discoverability of their work?

I highly recommend Curt Rice's workshops for better information about open access, Plan S, rights retention and more.
Prof. Johan Rooryck, Executive Director, cOAlition S

Solutions offered by the workshops

Based on 25 years of university leadership experience, I have developed these two workshops to enable participants to understand:

  • what an ideal, well-functioning system for academic publishing would be and how it should support a research career,
  • how open access—and especially the burgeoning diamond open access movement—best support the needs of researchers,
  • key policies and their consequences, including Plan S, DORA, rights retention strategies and preregistration of research,
  • what the most common bibliometric tools are (impact factor, citation indices, etc.) and how they affect publishing and career advancement,
  • the difference between a high-quality journal and a high-quality article,
  • their own role in the peer review system and how to approach it rationally.

Curt's workshops are insightful, blending education and entertainment. He gives a nuanced overview of the publishing landscape.
Rachel Thomas, PhD, Director of the Simula Academy

The Early-Career Workshop (3 hours)

These challenges are particularly demanding for early-career researchers. They will soon be writing their next grant application or looking for their next job. How should they understand the current system and how can they use it to further their careers?

The Supervisor Workshop (1 hour)

Can universities be better at helping their PhD candidates and postdocs make good decisions about publishing? What do mid- and senior-level researchers need to know about the requirements of local, national and international publishing policies to best guide their advisees?

Success for early-career researchers is also success for their research groups and institutions. The right approach to publishing will help PhD candidates complete their degrees on time and continue with important contributions to their chosen field.

Curt Rice is an inspiring speaker with innovative perspectives. I enthusiastically recommend him.
Prof. Londa Schiebinger, Stanford University

Why me?

Prof. Curt Rice

Making universities better

Universities are essential for the betterment of society. My commitment to that belief motivates me and gives focus to my work, whether it is at specific institutions, in (inter)national organizations, or through my speaking and writing.

My journey so far

I’ve been passionate about PhD education since I was a PhD candidate myself. The thrill of learning how to do research—how to discover new knowledge—and then how to contribute to an academic field by publishing or teaching that work is what motivated me to choose a career in academia.

Along the way, I realized that creating the conditions for others to do excellent research is at least as important as doing it oneself. Because of that, I have spent most of the last 25 years in leadership positions, in addition to being a professor. Through all of these positions, I have been enthusiastically engaged in debates, policy-making and mentoring about academic publishing.


Oslo Metropolitan University

Leading OsloMet to accreditation as a university was built on a dramatic enhancement of our research profile, including support of several diamond open access journals.

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Norwegian University

of Life Sciences

NMBU implemented a rights retention policy for academic publishing under my leadership, and we developed a strong strategic profile as Norway’s leading sustainability university.

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Vice Rector for Research

University of Tromsø

My focus at Tromsø was to strengthen PhD education, increase the percentage of women professors and to work with the university library to highlight the importance of open access publishing.

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Founding Director


Center of Excellence

University of Tromsø

Working with many engaged colleagues, we built a graduate school at the heart of what became an internationally leading center in linguistics.

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Head of the Board

Current Research Information System in Norway


Cristin has been the Norwegian government’s vehicle for registering scientific publications and supporting the transition to Open Access.

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The Guardian

Science in Balance

I have written widely about open access, including columns in The Guardian and on my own blog Science in Balance.

I’m currently writing a book on the academic publishing system.

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Committee for Gender Balance

and Diversity in Research

As a catalyst for justice and quality in research through gender balance and diversity, one focus was gender-based differences in publishing patterns, not least of all during the pandemic.

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Over 500 talks

in over 25 countries

I speak primarily about issues in university leadership, including open access publishing, gender equality, internationalization and the future of higher education.

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Executive Director

Fulbright Norway

My current position facilitating Fulbright exchanges requires understanding current publishing policies in Europe and the United States so that our grantees heed local, national and international requirements.

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Book the workshops

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What kind of workshop are you interested in?

The Enlightened Publishing workshops will give your early-career researchers and their supervisors a deeper understanding of the current publishing system and how to make it work better for them. The results of the workshop will move them and your institution forward in a difficult and somtimes confusing landscape.

Curt Rice is a prominent voice in this debate and his workshops will leave participants better prepared to take on the system's challenges.
Prof. Björn Brembs, University of Regensburg

If you'd like more details about the workshops or a conversation about how to make them happen, book a time for a meeting or send me an email.

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What kind of workshop are you interested in?